Our developments
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${ result.title }
${ result.buyingOptions }${ result.status } ${ result.status } ${ result.status }${ result.title }
${ result.title }
${ result.location }
- ${ result.bedroomsDisplay }
- ${ result.priceDisplay }
${ plot.plotNumber }
${ plot.type }
${ plot.numBedrooms }
${ plot.numBathrooms }
£${ plot.price }
${ plot.status }
${ plot.type } | ${ plot.numBedrooms } bed
Below are all of our other developments ordered by distance from your current search location.
${ result.title }
${ result.buyingOptions }${ result.status } ${ result.status } ${ result.status }${ result.title }
${ result.title }
${ result.location }
- ${ result.bedroomsDisplay }
- ${ result.priceDisplay }
${ plot.plotNumber }
${ plot.type }
${ plot.numBedrooms }
${ plot.numBathrooms }
£${ plot.price }
${ plot.status }
${ plot.type } | ${ plot.numBedrooms } bed
Nearby Developments (${ nearbyResults.length })
${ result.title }
${ result.status } ${ result.status } ${ result.status }${ result.title }
${ result.title }
${ result.location }
- ${ result.bedroomsDisplay }
- ${ result.priceDisplay }
${ plot.plotNumber }
${ plot.type }
${ plot.numBedrooms }
${ plot.numBathrooms }
£${ plot.price }
${ plot.type } | ${ plot.numBedrooms } bed
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